60 members of Endeavour Harmony Chorus walked onto the stage at the Brisbane Convention Centre last Saturday and gave the best performance of the weekend, taking out overall first place in the chorus competiton! More than 850 delegates attending the weekend with 23 choruses among them, from all around Australia. Congratulations to all the competitors!
4 judges from the USA assessed each performance in the categories of Sound, Music, Expression and Visual Communication. Endeavour Harmony aims to entertain audiences with dynamic performances of close 4 part harmony. The judges agreed, awarding us an average score of 82 (out of 100).
14 new members were in the mix, having never competed in a contest like this before.
With Covid lockdowns, it's been 4 years since the we've last competed, in Hobart Tasmania, where we also won the chorus contest, in 2019.

During lockdowns, we couldn't rehearse together for many months. The beginning of 2021 was when the we starting singing together again. Lots of work followed to bring back our chorus sound to its full glory, focussing on resonance, energy and visual communication.
We sing a wide variety of repertoire from pop / rock to soulful ballads.

Three EHC chorus members have toddlers and babies and brought them along, complete with their own 'costumes'!
These young mums do a fabulous job juggling parenting and chorus singing.
We meet Tuesday evenings in Jannali. New members are welcome! Why not come along to our new member open / information night on Tue 18th July? It will be a fun and informative evening. More details here.